Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Please don't pee in my closet

My brother Joe arrived in Rome yesterday. I'm very excited he's here and I'm looking forward to exploring Rome and eating out at some non-pizza joints.
We spent the day moving me into my new apartment which is in the heart of Trastevere in a 16th century building. It's a great place. I'm really excited about it. (I'll post pictures another time.)
We spent the afternoon walking around Rome. We basically made one big circle and he saw all the major landmarks, fountains, and buildings. Now he'll spend the next week visiting everything in more depth.
I surprised my brother at the end of the day with a trip to a middle eastern restaurant and argyle (not sure if it's spelled right but hookah is another word for it) bar. I had discovered this place my first week in Rome and knew he'd appreciate a smoke. We ordered apple flavor and smoked and ate some hommos and baba ganosh. It was very relaxing.
We headed back home afterwards to relax and call it a night.
Shortly after falling into a very deep sleep, I awoke to find a strange figure in my room near my closet. I started screaming bloody murder. I couldn't hear myself scream however because I had put ear plugs in when I went to bed. I'm pretty certain I was freaking out. I felt like I was freaking out but I was also half asleep and couldn't hear myself. My memory is of total silence but my mouth is open and I'm jumping around in bed pulling away from the strange figure in my room. Immediately shocked awake by my screams, my brother turns around and walks out of the room. I jump up and run after him asking him what he was doing, as I also try to wake up. He's in the bathroom at this point and says he doesn't know. I'm so freaked out. I ask him what he means, "he doesn't know". He doesn't remember. Oh! As I wake up fully, I realize he's been sleep walking. He scared the poo out of me. I was so freaked out. I keep asking him what he was doing. I can't grasp the situation or I'm trying to calm myself down. I was in such a deep sleep that I was so totally rattled by the situation.
I've witnessed someone sleep walking only one other time and I think I acted in a pretty similar manner. I awoke to find my boyfriend Greg standing at the end of the bed. I ask him what he's doing and he responds in an extremely irritated tone that he's going to the bathroom. I tell him not here, you're in the bedroom. He again responds at me in a very irritated tone that he is going to the bathroom and...voila. He goes on the carpeted bedroom floor. Retard.
Joe found it so funny this morning that he was about to pee in my closet. Of course I'm still nursing my heart rate back to normal so it's not that funny to me.
It is funny. I just wish I could lock the door to my bedroom so that we don't have to repeat this tonight. He can pee in the kitchen if he wants.

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