Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I made it!

I'm finally here. It definitely feels like it's been a long time from making the decision to actually doing it. I was definitely a jumble of emotions the last couple of days. The biggest question that I had was, "ah, why am I doing this". I was definitely overcome with some fear as things became real. I'm really glad that I have school and some structure at the beginning of this adventure. I think it will help me get past the fear and just have fun and enjoy myself. Although I'm feeling scared, I know that this is going to be an exciting adventure and I'm glad I'm doing it.
Isn't there some quote or saying about taking risks makes you grow or something like that? Something along the lines that going outside your comfort zone and how that changes you? I'm in that place.
BTW - the sunrise that I saw when we were making our descent into Rome was AMAZING. The sky looked on fire. I tried to capture it.

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