Thursday, January 31, 2008

Finally on my way...

Well I made it out of Seattle on Monday in between snow storms. There's something about when I move that the weather decides to turn crazy on me. It reminds me of those scenes out of movies when they say "the winds of change started to blow". The last move I made, into the apartment I just moved out of, took place during WIND STORM 2006. I was running back and forth from Jill & Mike's house to my car with my things and was literally soaking wet from running those few feet from the house to my car.

Prior to Monday's frantic race out of Seattle I was able to have a great send off in Seattle. It started with a great dinner at Barolo to get me in the mood for Italy followed by drinks at ultra posh Vessel. It was great to see everyone and have a chance to chat and hang out prior to getting on my way. I had a great time. Unfortunately I didn't take many pictures that night so I've only posted the one.

Now I'm in Portland visiting with family and hanging out with my mom before leaving town on Tuesday. I definitely am feeling excited, nervous, anxious, scared, and eager all at once. It makes it really hard to sleep.
Tuesday morning I'll board my flight for Rome and definitely start posting more about my adventure. I can't wait!!

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